AI, AR, And VR

  1. I think the concept of the 360 video/documentary would be interesting for viewers because they call see everything from different perspectives. I think it would be a cool way to add to storytelling because it is different and unique. One advantage I think this has is the fact that the viewers could see just about everything from all different perspectives. A disadvantage that I can think of is if the viewer finds themselves distracted or even lost and can’t continue the video.
  2. The most concerning aspect of AR and VR for me had to be in the “VR/AR Fundamentals-5) Live and Social Epilogue”. This would most likely take away from face to face interaction by having the goggles on. Everything would be in the virtual world so the person you are seeing in the goggles, unfortunately once they come off that person is gone. I think the good part about this would be the amount of people being able to connect with each other through this. I think the main concern would be users spending too much time in the virtual would they would not be able to come back to the real world.
  3. After watching “Live from VR” some of the reviews are pretty negative. I think it was negative when the shooting game was brought up where it looks like you are in the real world and you are shooting enemies. The video talks about how VR can help save peoples lives. They went to Puerto Rico in the virtual world after the hurricane and it is crazy how everything looks so damaged. It is crazy how much damage you can see that happened and see how people are having to live now.

Social Media and Politics

Social media has played a huge roll in our society today. Social media can come off as a positive and negative thing. I don’t think social media is capable of adequate depth of information to enable the participation in politics because self research on politic information is not being down by candidates. These candidates are using social media and talking about things they have barely researched themselves. In the article “How Social Media is Ruining Politics” the writer says, “Ted Cruz uses Periscope to stream his appearances. Marco Rubio broadcast snapchat stories at stops along the trails.” In this sense if they are posting information that is coming straight from the source, that is going to be the best way to get to the power about what they are representing as candidates.

Social Media Campaign

Just a quick update, I have gained my client a decent amount of followers on Instagram and even have had people book appointment’s with her. It has been easy to gain followers on Instagram compared to getting people to follow the Facebook account. I have been trying to keep up with posting her new and latest pictures of the work she has been doing. Since this has started she has been building up her clientele because people are seeing her work on these accounts.

BS and the Art of Crap Detection

When it comes to social media there happens to be a lot of BS. After reading the article by Neil Postman, BS completely exists.

The first form of crap detection I’ve noticed on social media would be superstition. I enjoy watching ghost shows such as Ghost Adventures, and it may seem completely real but, at times you can tell somethings are scripted. What if the places they travel to aren’t even haunted, or if the “voice phenomenon’s” they catch are fake or can be debunked? It is easy to believe what we see on TV sometimes because they make it so believable. Just like reality TV, sometimes it’s hard to believe it’s not scripted but you would be surprised on the reality shows that could be scripted.

The second form of crap detection I’ve seen would have to be fanaticism. I have seen a lot of this when it comes opinionated tweets on twitter that are usually either political or just nonsense. When it comes to all things political, things are taken to a whole new level and it causes conflict within the social media platform when in reality is just BS. I think twitter is the worst for this because it can be retweeted by a thousand people and some people aren’t afraid to add in their two sense.

Laptop Altruism

I decided to go to the library and ask two different people I did not know if “I could use your laptop for a second”. The first person I asked was very kind and she said “of course” with enthusiasm. I began to start deleting my 9,543 emails and then opened up another tab to be on Facebook and started watching funny videos. I could tell the girl started looking over at the screen to see what I was doing. About 30 minutes passed and she still hadn’t said anything to me, so I continued to look through Facebook. It finally hit the hour mark and she politely asked: “hey, I don’t mean to do this but I have to head out can I have my laptop back?” I gave her back her computer and she told me to have a good day. I walked around a little bit to scope out my next victim. This time I decided to walk up to this guy who had his headphones in. I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around and said: “what’s up?” I asked him “can I use your laptop for a second?” He handed me over his computer and I walked away to find a spot to sit down because I didn’t want to sit right next to hin so I could see if I could get more of a reaction. He shot up pretty quick when I walked away to find a place to sit but once he saw me sit down he walked back to where he was sitting. I assumed he thought I was going to steal his computer. Once again I was browsing on Facebook and I kept seeing him look at me. after about 3 minutes he walked over to me and said: “are you done with my computer, I thought you had to do school work not browse Facebook.” I told him: “my bad I thought you didn’t mind.” I logged out of my Facebook and then he grabbed his computer. I was more surprised with the girl’s reaction than I was with the guys reaction because I expected someone to get mad, I didn’t expect the nice reaction I received from the girl.

Additional 3

I decided to use Tumblr as one of my 3 additional social media platforms. Tumblr is basically a blog and I think it is so different for other platforms because of the way it is formatted . Next, I chose Pinterest because it helps you make things or get different ideas of crafts or even wedding ideas that you might not be able to get on other platforms . And lastly Instagram, you can like pictures and post pictures just like on other websites but I think it is so different because it becomes a platform where you can be different and post pictures that other people have never even seen before . #MC336sp19

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