BS and the Art of Crap Detection

When it comes to social media there happens to be a lot of BS. After reading the article by Neil Postman, BS completely exists.

The first form of crap detection I’ve noticed on social media would be superstition. I enjoy watching ghost shows such as Ghost Adventures, and it may seem completely real but, at times you can tell somethings are scripted. What if the places they travel to aren’t even haunted, or if the “voice phenomenon’s” they catch are fake or can be debunked? It is easy to believe what we see on TV sometimes because they make it so believable. Just like reality TV, sometimes it’s hard to believe it’s not scripted but you would be surprised on the reality shows that could be scripted.

The second form of crap detection I’ve seen would have to be fanaticism. I have seen a lot of this when it comes opinionated tweets on twitter that are usually either political or just nonsense. When it comes to all things political, things are taken to a whole new level and it causes conflict within the social media platform when in reality is just BS. I think twitter is the worst for this because it can be retweeted by a thousand people and some people aren’t afraid to add in their two sense.

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