Laptop Altruism

I decided to go to the library and ask two different people I did not know if “I could use your laptop for a second”. The first person I asked was very kind and she said “of course” with enthusiasm. I began to start deleting my 9,543 emails and then opened up another tab to be on Facebook and started watching funny videos. I could tell the girl started looking over at the screen to see what I was doing. About 30 minutes passed and she still hadn’t said anything to me, so I continued to look through Facebook. It finally hit the hour mark and she politely asked: “hey, I don’t mean to do this but I have to head out can I have my laptop back?” I gave her back her computer and she told me to have a good day. I walked around a little bit to scope out my next victim. This time I decided to walk up to this guy who had his headphones in. I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around and said: “what’s up?” I asked him “can I use your laptop for a second?” He handed me over his computer and I walked away to find a spot to sit down because I didn’t want to sit right next to hin so I could see if I could get more of a reaction. He shot up pretty quick when I walked away to find a place to sit but once he saw me sit down he walked back to where he was sitting. I assumed he thought I was going to steal his computer. Once again I was browsing on Facebook and I kept seeing him look at me. after about 3 minutes he walked over to me and said: “are you done with my computer, I thought you had to do school work not browse Facebook.” I told him: “my bad I thought you didn’t mind.” I logged out of my Facebook and then he grabbed his computer. I was more surprised with the girl’s reaction than I was with the guys reaction because I expected someone to get mad, I didn’t expect the nice reaction I received from the girl.

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